December 2020 Feature Release

At Legado, we strive to make the end-user experience as intuitive as possible. This is to ensure planning and organisation are easy and your affairs are kept in order.

We’ve been listening to your feedback and we’ve created the following features to make your experience even better (and planning even easier!):

  • New top-level folders
  • Folder personalisation
  • Nominee setup changes

New Top-level Folders

Legado has been designed to help you at different life stages. Whether you’re purchasing your first home, reaching retirement or planning for the end of your life, we’re here to make sure you have a place to store all of your most important documents, files, wishes and memories.

Following user-research, we’ve changed the layout to your primary folders, making navigation easier:

  • The “Solicitor” section is now renamed “Legal”
  • We have placed “Personal Finances” and “Financial Advice” under a single “Finances” section
  • We’ve made “Legacy Planning” a top-level section

Note: Information you’ve already shared won’t be effected.

Folder Personalisation

We want Legado to work for you, as your own personal digital vault. Therefore, we’ve created Folder Personalisation:

  • Hide/Unhide Folders – you will now be able to remove Folders from view that you’re not intending to use (you can restore these if you want them back)
  • Create Custom Folders – you can create as many folders as you wish and give them a meaningful name. You can then add within them!
  • Favourites – there is a new section in the left navigation called Favourites. Here you’ll find any Folders, Forms, Files or Notes that you star, making it easy to find important parts of your vault.

Nominee Setup Changes

Making sure the people closest to you (as well as the organisations you interact with) have the information they need, when they need it, is vital. Therefore, we’ve made a few changes to sharing:

  • You now have the option to add a personal message to the Nominee in the invite
  • We lead you straight into setting up sharing access for your Nominee

What’s Next

We are concentrating on building some exciting new capability for Legacy and end-of-life planning. We can’t wait to share this with you in the new year.

If you have any comments or thoughts on new features, please get in touch:

We look forward to hearing from you.  Happy Planning,

The Legado Team