Intelligence and Insights API

Our Intelligence and Insights APIs are for Intelligence services (Optical Character Recognition, Machine-Learning, Data Features; Thumbnail, Document Preview Generation) and our Insights services (smart insights and structured context/data).

Our Intelligence and Insights services and APIs can be applied to all personal/customer data on the Legado platform.

This can be data resulting from customer manual uploads, data imported from third parties via our Wonderbill module or data which is transferred by a corporate partner via our Data API or Communication API. It is also possible to use these services on proprietary data (e.g. customer communications or marketing material you share and/or exchange with customers).


Intelligence API

Legado’s intelligence API uses machine-learning models to extract text, key-value pairs, tables, and structures from forms and documents using common layouts and prebuilt models such as identity documents, insurance documents, policies and annual statements.

Upload: Smart image technology helps customers to capture documents from their mobile devices with the ability to detect borders, sharpen content and recognise text (OCR).


Insights API

Machine-learning models are utilised to produce personalised insights for customers, covering a wide range of data points such as document dates, titles, addresses and more.
It is also possible to get aggregated insights on pooled customers data, including by market demographic, size, attitudes, behaviours, attributes and more.