Digital Vault API

Provides the complete functionality behind the Digital Vault Embedded UI, and can be used to power your own user experience.

The digital vault provides secure online storage for the important documents in your customers’ lives – the documents are stored with 256 bit encryption. 

The vault can be used to give them access to documents delivered by your organisation and other organisations, as well as their own documents.

Any documents in the vault can be shared with your organisation and other contacts at the user’s discretion. We provide a guided folder structure to make the job of organising the documents easy.

A number of different file types are accepted, primarily document and image formats.  Connections can be made to a variety of organisations to bring household bills and other documents into the vault.  The whole experience is modular so you can use as little or as much of the functionality you require.

Here’s a selection of the digital vault methods:

List files and Folders

Download file

Get File Preview (we convert most document formats to PDF)

Get thumbnail image

Upload file

Add a contact

List contacts

Share a file or folder

Set permissions on files and folders

Get document data (we can review documents and pull out important data)

Set a reminder on a document

View and edit reminders

View available Wonderbill providers (utilities, entertainment, transport etc)

Add / remove a connection to a provider

Update contact details

Get notifications, alerts and nudges

Here’s a selection of the digital vault methods:

Integrating the vault

The Data API is used to create the vaults for your customers.  Folders can be created for their products within your organisation. The email address is used as the primary identifier for a customer.  We require minimal additional information to set the user up. 


Data migration

Our Data API can support batches of thousands of customers and documents to ensure a smooth transition to using Legado. Once your initial customer base has been migrated, new customers can be added individually or in batches. 

Push data to their vaults​:

  • Deliver a single document to many clients
  • Populate historic data and documents for many clients at a time​
  • Add a client specific documents upon creation