Brandon joins us having completed his BEng (hons) at Napier and receiving a first class. Brandon’s honours project involved using domain driven design to develop a web application. Brandon will be joining the Automation team, as a Junior Software Engineer.

What excites you about working for Legado?

I’m excited to be working with a team who are really passionate about the projects and products we’re working on and who are genuinely interested in the programming and software. It will be nice to be a part of a team who actually enjoys doing what they do.

What will be the biggest challenges?

At the moment, getting used to all the different languages and practices we need to use in programming. I’ve done more Python than TypeScript and Cyprus so it’ll be a lot of learning to figure out best practices here.

What will you be working on?

I’m mostly going to be working on automation engineering so creating automated tests and test units for the future. But at the moment I’ve been working on finding and fixing bugs. 

What do you do to relax?

I like to go driving on scenic routes or listening to music and going to gigs. I drove down to Dunbar on the weekend.

What is something that you are particularly good at (that people may not know)?

Game development, I design games in my spare time. I’ve been doing it for about 7 years and usually set myself tasks and see if I can do it.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself…

I’ve recently started playing the guitar between coding and game development, so lots of learning.

How has your first week been? Has anything been unexpected?

It’s been a great first couple of weeks, there’s been lots of work to do and everyone has been great to work with. Only unexpected thing was lots of people going on holiday around when I started, so still meeting people!

If you could, what is the snack or drink you would always keep stocked in the office?

For drinks, probably energy drinks to keep me awake and for snacks, probably apples which we have plenty of anyway in the office.

Welcome to the team, Brandon!