Gus joins us having most recently worked at Settld, alongside the founder, to support the companies turnaround and development. He supported across all elements of the business from client accounts, project workflows and finance to team support and optimisation. Gus will be joining as a Founder’s Associate.

What excites you about working for Legado?
The most exciting aspect for me about being a part of the impact that Legado’s platform has, and will continue to expand in having, in changing the way organisations interact with customers.

What will be the biggest challenges?
Given that my position faces so many different directions, I think my biggest challenge (that I’m looking forward to rising too!!) will be in keeping pace with Legado as we continue to grow.

What will you be working on?
As a Founder’s Associate, I’ll be a right hand to Josif (CEO); supporting primarily on business and corporate development – but wearing many hats and supporting cross-functional workflows where and when required.

What do you do to relax?
I work with start-ups, I don’t relax? Seriously though, I’m usually reading, spending time with my (nightmare) spaniels, or trying to become a better cook.

What is something that you are particularly good at (that people may not know)?
My homemade pizza is to die for. Longstanding tradition from my childhood, where every Saturday night I’d make homemade Pizza with my mum. It’s the best!

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself…
I founded a logistics focused start-up when I was 19 based in SE Asia – we got blown out of the water during COVID, but we gave it a good shot, and it was an incredible learning experience that started the path that has eventually brought me to Legado.

How has your first week been? Has anything been unexpected?
Busy. Very busy.  Legado moves very quickly, so there’s a lot of aspects to learn and catch-up with. That said, the more I learn, the more excited I am for my future with Legado. As for anything unexpected? Champagne and Pizza on my first day in celebration of a big release. It was a nice surprise.

If you could, what is the snack or drink you would always keep stocked in the office?
Candied pork belly. It’s killer.

Welcome to the team, Gus!