Category Archives: Uncategorized

Welcome to the team, Brandon!

Brandon joins us having completed his BEng (hons) at Napier and receiving a first class. Brandon’s honours project involved using domain driven design to develop a web application. Brandon will be joining the Automation team, as a Junior Software Engineer. What excites you about working for Legado? I’m excited to be working with a team […]

Welcome to the team, Gus!

Gus joins us having most recently worked at Settld, alongside the founder, to support the companies turnaround and development. He supported across all elements of the business from client accounts, project workflows and finance to team support and optimisation. Gus will be joining as a Founder’s Associate. What excites you about working for Legado?The most exciting aspect for […]

Welcome to the team, Melanie!

Melanie joins us straight out of Codeclan, having successfully completed the professional software development course. Melanie’s training at Codeclan gave her knowledge of using Javascript and React, as well as Java and Python. Melanie holds an Information Technology (Business) MSc degree from Heriott-Watt University and a BSc in Geology from the University of Edinburgh. Melanie […]

In discussion with Anja Beisel, Lead Developer of Legado’s Wonderbill & Connectivity Products

27 April 2023 With the acquisition of Wonderbill, we thought it would be interesting to hear from Anja Beisel, the Lead developer on the team involved with integrating the Wonderbill software into the Legado platform. As this exciting addition to the Legado product grows and expands, learn more from Anja below: Tell us about your […]

The Tech Revolution in Financial Services: How Technology is Driving Consumer Duty Regulation Forward

Date: 19 April 2023 By Josif Grace What is the Consumer Duty regulation? Consumer Duty regulation is set to bring significant changes to the UK’s financial services industry. The regulation, designed to ensure that financial firms act in the best interest of their customers, will create a more transparent and fair environment for consumers. The […]

We’re ISO 27001 certified!

We’re pleased to announce that we have been ISO 27001 certified since 2022, an important and impressive achievement for all at Legado. The ISO 27001 standard is the most recognised international standard for information security. Certification is awarded to organisations that have adopted a management system that helps to ensure that information security controls continue […]