Last week, Caroline joined us as our Marketing and Communications Manager. Caroline is currently in her final year at Edinburgh University, completing her Masters degree in Business Management with Marketing. Caroline has multiple years of experience in content creation, sales/marketing copywriting and event advertising. We asked her to tell you a little bit about herself:  

What excites you about working for Legado?

The prospect of growing alongside Legado and its brand. I’ve got a lot to offer and a whole lot more to learn.  

I am especially excited to be sitting at a desk, semi- *IN PERSON* with my Legado teammates. Love a bit of office banter!

What will be the biggest challenges?

In the last three years, I have had several different roles within the Marketing teams of startups and tech SMEs (e.g., blockchain, cloud computing, IT operations analytics, etc.).  

My greatest challenge at Legado will arguably be the same as the aforementioned task ahead that excites me. I will be dedicating my time initially to understanding the product and recent developments in the market. I look forward to working with this seasoned team as well as their skills sharing and thought leadership. 

What will you be working on?

Copywriting, social media, press releases…the list goes on! The umbrella marketing analogy goes: telling your date they are attractive is marketing, telling your date that you are attractive is advertising, and having someone else tell your date that you are attractive is PR. Bad jokes aside, I look forward to building on these areas, the brand story and marketing material at Legado. 

As Marketing and Communications Manager, my aim is to properly communicate the capabilities of the product and the missions of the brand, both externally for the benefit of customers and key stakeholders, and internally to highlight the accomplishments of our hardworking team! Without a doubt, my role will evolve over time – that’s all for now, folks. 

What do you do to relax?

Walking through the many weathered and wondrous closes that Edinburgh has to offer. Having grown up around one of the oldest municipalities in the United States, I appreciate history and enjoy learning origin stories. Edinburgh takes this leisure time activity to a whole new dimension, and in the three or more years that I’ve lived here I’ve still not seen all of its charm.

What is something that you are particularly good at (that people may not know)?

Making music playlists that set the mood to accomplish a particular task. Road trip to the Highlands, exercise in the gym vs. in nature, cooking, getting errands done, studying for a module/exam, walking around on a rainy day in Edinburgh. You name it, and I’ve got the soundtrack to your next boogie. 

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself…

In my free time, I run a bagel blog (est. March of 2020, on my couch during the first lockdown), and this past month I attended the Brooklyn BagelFest. For several hours, I performed the grueling task of tasting dozens of bagel samples and bagel-related products from vendor attendees. It’s a hard knock life 

Welcome to the team, Caroline!