Stacey Gibson recently joined our team here at Legado as Junior Software Tester, so we asked her to tell us a little bit about herself:

What excites you about working for Legado?

The first exciting thing would need to be the Legado product itself – it’s an interesting and hugely beneficial piece of software. If you’re an organised person like me, working with a product like Legado’s digital vault is definitely a good fit!

The second most exciting thing is having many well experienced colleagues to learn from. While I’m already learning lots of new stuff here at Legado, I’m also doing some of my own study outside of work; and with the company’s growth shooting up, the place will be booming with plenty of knowledge to gain!

What will be the biggest challenges?

Learning automation testing, because it’s something I’ve not had a lot of exposure to. It will be a challenge, but one I’m excited to take on. I’m learning how to code in my own time too, so that should help speed things up.

What will you be working on?

Manual testing mostly for now, then getting to know the automation testing. There’s loads to get stuck in to, so really I’ll be trying to get up to speed as quick as I can.

What do you do to relax?

I do quite a bit in relaxation time actually. I’ll either be: playing computer games, reading a book, doing a bit of yoga, or taking the dog for a walk to local parks. I strength train as often as I can too – might not always be relaxing, but it still counts as a wind down for me.

What is something that you are particularly good at (that people may not know)?

I have a good eye for detail, definitely a bonus when it comes to software testing.

Tell us an interesting fact about yourself.

I have a higher national certificate in counselling. I chose counselling because of my passion for mental health, and general interest in psychology. Counselling had a good mix of theory and skills, learning how to listen and communicate with people in a way that is helpful for them. I really enjoy listening to people talk about themselves and their experiences, lending a friendly ear can do wonders for people who need someone to just simply listen. When the time is right (in the very distant future!), I’d like to do my diploma so I can practice and help people in a professional setting.

Welcome to the team, Stacey!