July 2020 Release

Following extensive user testing with our partners and clients we have planned significant changes to our web app over the Summer.  The first of these have gone into our July release, providing these new features:

  • Improved email invites – replacing basic messaging in previous invites to ensure users are clear why they are receiving the invite and what they need to do
  • After-Death Sharing
  • Delegate/Can Edit role

After-Death Sharing

We have feedback from many users that they would like to hold back sections of their Vault whilst they are alive but share them with loved ones after they have gone.  To answer this need we introduce After-Death Sharing.  We have improved the sharing aspects of the Web App to make it easy for a Client to determine what is shared with whom and when, from the top-level folders down to individual files or forms.  A Client has the option to Not Share, Share Now or Share After-Death.  Sharing Now makes items visible in life and after-death whereas Share After-Death makes them invisible until the Client has gone.

Coupled with this we introduce a reporting mechanism, where a loved one or professional can contact us and explain the passing of a Client.  We will request robust evidence after which the relevant sections of the vault become visible to after-death sharers.

Delegate/Can Edit role

Adding in to this improved sharing mechanism we have included new Delegate functionality.  This is intended primarily for those who may need help loading information to their vault but will also be of value when you want to collaborate with other Companies or individuals.  When a Client chooses to Share Now they will have the option to choose whether this is on a Can View or Can Edit basis.  Can View (as at present) means the Nominee can not make any changes or add to your Vault.  Can Edit allows them to Upload files or Change forms.  Coupled with this is a secure and transparent audit trail.

We hope you find all these features to be of use.  Feel free to contact us to feedback on any of these changes.

What’s Next

In our August release we will be launching a direct-to-consumer proposition, i.e. end-users will be able to register without going through an Adviser.  We will also be improving the onboarding experience by providing users the option to use SMS authentication as an alternative to an authentication app.