Category Archives: Team

Welcome to the team, Eliza!

This week, Eliza joins us as our new Marketing and Communications Manager. Eliza is entering her third year at the University of Edinburgh, completing her BSc in Environmental Sciences with Management. Eliza is building on her core understanding of business and excited to develop alongside Legado. We asked her to tell you a little bit […]

Welcome to the team, Caroline!

Last week, Caroline joined us as our Marketing and Communications Manager. Caroline is currently in her final year at Edinburgh University, completing her Masters degree in Business Management with Marketing. Caroline has multiple years of experience in content creation, sales/marketing copywriting and event advertising. We asked her to tell you a little bit about herself:   What excites you about working for Legado? […]

Security – Why It’s Important

Data Security at Legado Legado has been purpose-built from day one to be highly secure, using the best security practices, software development methodologies and operational practices. This matters. Many of the high-profile breaches at other companies over the past few years have occurred within large, old organizations that have been in the unenviable (and frankly […]

Welcome to our new Team Member, Alex

Welcome Alex! From this Monday, Alex joined us as Senior Software Engineer.  He has an extensive background working for companies big and small.  We asked him to tell you a little bit about himself: What excites you about working for Legado? I’ve always seen the potential of the ever-evolving Microsoft stack for providing business solutions. […]